Monday Motivation /w Andy Henriquez - Feb 18, 2013 - YouTube


(00:00) presentation mode and put our call and recording this conference is being recorded good evening and welcome everyone to let bround motivational Monday night call it is Monday February 18th 2013 and we are grateful for you taking time out to dial into this call Mr Brown appreciate your present and your presence and your consistent support of this call every single Monday today he is busy inspiring more Voices of Hope all the way in Canada and he sends his love and regards to each and every one of you and he’ll be back on
(00:48) next week but anytime Mr Brown is not able to be on the call live he sends only the best to represent him and show you what’s possible in your own life so tonight I have such a treat for you my name is Stacy NC Grant and I will be your host I’m an empowerment specialist and one of Les Brown’s Platinum speakers but tonight I get to introduce you to someone that I refer to as my brother from another mother you are in for such a treat to hear from one of the experts in this field Andy Enriquez is someone
(01:22) who started from beginning that he’s very proud of Haitian immigrants who came to this country in the pursuit of the American dream and he learned firsthand what sacrifice hard work and discipline and commitment were he attended Florida State University where he attained his Bach’s degree in accounting graduating Suma kumlade and his master’s degree in corporate accounting he became a licensed CPA and gained significant career experience in Corporate America working for the largest professional firm in the world
(01:52) PR Waterhouse Cooper LLC and after working for several years in Corporate America Andy’s entrepreneurial Spirit led him to real estate investing under the mentorship of a real estate millionaire in pursuit of financial Independence and control of his Destiny who his passion and commitment Andy has established himself as a successful real estate investor and coach today Andy utilizes his same philosophy of success to transform audiences and assist them on reaching higher levels of achievement he’s a gifted Communicator he has shared
(02:24) the stage with world renowned motivational speakers and bestselling authors coaches particular our Very Own Les Brown Omar Peru Suzanne Roan John D and I can go on and all Lisa nichels and the list goes on and on and STC Grant and a power Les brow Platinum speaker and Coach he has ability to relate toti audiences from all walks of life he specializes in strategic storytelling has created a comprehensive coaching program to transform anyone’s story if you’ve heard him if you’ve listened to him if you’ve interacted with him you
(02:59) know the power power that he brings and the work ethic of excellence in every single thing he does so get your papers out get your pens ready and prepare to be blown away by none other than my friend Platinum speaking brother Mr Andy enrigue Andy are you on the line tonight yes I am yes I am thank you so much Stacey MC Grant AKA coco AKA thee bomb.
(03:29) com so I just want to say thank you so Stacy and for all of the listeners welcome to the Monday night motivational call I spoke to Les earlier today he is out in Canada and he sens his regards like Stacy mentioned and he’s so happy that all of you continue to maintain the commitment that all of you are seriously serious about your personal growth and all of you understand that what goes in is what comes out and so it’s so important that you continue to position yourselves on these Monday Night Calls listening in to Les Brown and some of
(03:58) his Platinum speakers as they come into inspire you and motivate you so first I want to acknowledge you and thank you for taking the time out on your Monday where the rest of the world right now was possibly sitting down in front of the television watching their favorite reality show where there’s somebody right now who’s sitting down and and engaging in some secondary mindless activity but no not you you chosen the call on the Monday night motivational call and because of that that’s going to make the difference because of that
(04:28) 2013 is in that going to be your year regardless of what it’s been to start like and so here’s what I want to talk to you about tonight I want to talk to you about letting go and so often time when we think about letting go often times we think of letting go as a weakness but here’s what I’ve discovered that sometimes sometimes it takes a little more strength to hold on and sometimes it takes a little more strength to actually let go and it does to hold on and so I want you to look at your life right now and I want you to
(04:58) think about your goals and your dreams and the things that you’re looking to pursue and I want you to think about right now what is it that you’re holding on to that’s keeping you away from your ideal Health what is it that you’re you’re holding on to right now that’s keeping you away from a healthy relationship what is it that you’re holding on to that you know in your heart that you need to let go so what what what relationship what toxic relationship that you know that you need
(05:22) to let go of and remove yourself from what past disappointments and failures you know that you need to let go of what is it that you’re holding on to that you know in your heart that you need to let go of why because it’s no longer serving you why because you know you won’t have happiness and fulfillment why because you know it’s the only way that you’re going to accomplish your goals and your dreams if you finally decide to let go of that toxic relationship if you finally decide to let go of that that
(05:52) past disappointment that past failure if you finally decide to let go of that excuse if you finally decide to let go of of of that thing that you know that you know that’s been holding you back that person that you know that you know that’s been holding you back and so what I know is is sometimes sometimes it’s hard it’s hard to let go even even when you know even when you know that but you need to and and so I I think about because a couple years back I I used to have this beautiful German Shepherd she
(06:28) was golden golden colored brown and and extremely athletic and and such a smart dog and and Ultra obedient I mean one of those dogs you told her to sit she would sit there now and there’s just one time where she would get a little out of control if you were walking her and she saw a squirrel or she saw a cat I mean all the obedience all the intelligence went out the window but other than that that was my baby and so most of you out there if you know about owning a pet or even if you don’t own a pet but you know
(06:58) someone who owns a pet you know that a lot for a lot of pet owners it’s almost like having a child so in other words when we leave town that we have to find someone who’s going to feed the dog who’s gonna walk the dog who’s gonna ensure that that that the dog is okay and so I remember a couple years ago I I had to go out of town I was speaking out in Las Vegas and so I called up a friend and I said Hey listen I got to go out of town and I’m gonna be catching a flight I’m going to be gone for the entire
(07:26) weekend and and I need you to do me a favor my dog’s name was Jasmine I said I need you to on a daily basis I need you to go over I I’ve left some food and a bowl with some some water and and I need you to make sure number one that that Jasmine has some food and that she has some water and also because she’s a big dog I can’t have her in the house all day long I need you to walk her at least twice a day I need you to let her out just let her run around in the backyard and let her walk around the neighborhood
(07:55) because uh you know she’s a big dog and she just cannot be locked up in the house all week and so my friend said fine no no problem Andy I’ll do that and so I I remember going away and being in Las Vegas and and and I remember periodically calling in to just check and remind my friend hey did you remember to see Jasmine and and give Jasmine water and then take her for a walk she said yeah yeah no problem I I took care of that yesterday and I’m gonna make sure I do it again tomorrow and so the next day I I went through a a
(08:27) very long day I was doing some training and and and helping facilitate a seminar and I remember it was about 5:30 my time in in Las Vegas and and maybe it was about I don’t know maybe about 2:30 in Florida so I called up my friend I said Hey listen I’m in in between sessions where we’re gonna make it a late night tonight but I just want to make sure everything’s okay did you did you take Jasmine for a walk and and did you make sure that she has water and food and my friend said oh Andy I said I said what what she said
(08:59) said uh you’ll never believe what happened I said wait wait a second what do you mean what happened is Jasmine is Jasmine okay I mean is she okay I mean she didn’t run on the street or anything she said no no no no no no Jasmine’s okay but I’m not I said what do you what do you mean you’re not okay what happened and so what she said she said well I went over there like I did yesterday and I I went to go get jasine and I I made sure she had some water and she had food and she had plenty of water
(09:29) and and so I grabbed her leash and I put her on the leash and and we started off and we went for a walk and and I normally walk her about three blocks we got to about the second block and and everything was perfectly fine and then we saw a squirrel and all of a sudden she said Jasmine just stopped and paused and then she said Jasmine just locked in on the squirrel and she kept telling Jasmine come on Jasmine let’s go and she knew that that the way Jasmine was looking at that squirrel at any moment that Jasmine was going to Sprint after
(09:59) that score and and just as she feared Jasmine out out of nowhere all 87 pounds of her all athletic build of with all her strength Jasmine bed after the squirrel and and my friend said she was holding on to the leash and and as she was holding on she she was trying to pull Jasmine back but Jasmine was too strong and if Jasmine just kept pushing forward and pushing forward to go after the squirrel she said I I fell down Indian and after I fell down I kept holding on to leash and and she dragged me a couple of feet and and I stabbed up
(10:34) all my arms and my elbows and and my foot got caught in the corner and I sprained my ankle and I had to go to the hospital I said oh oh my gosh I’m so sorry I said are you okay she said yeah I’m okay I I sprained my ankle and and I I scabbed up my my my elbows and and my forearms and and my knes and you know I I I peeled off the first layer of skin you know they gave me some ointments and I’ve got a brace for my ankle and I said oh gosh I’m so sorry and I remember getting back in town and and when I finally saw my
(11:18) friend I I remember looking and and and seeing her scabs I mean they were bright pink and and I mean it looked rough and and I just was thinking about how painful it must have been I was I was thinking about how how she she went through the stress and is going through the stress now of everyone asking what’s going on on top of the pain and and the visible scars and the visible wounds and and so I remember now that I know she had gotten past the incident and finally I just asked I said can I ask you a question she said yeah I said I’ve got
(11:51) to ask you this I said well when you were holding on to the leash and and then you saw that jaason had HED into to the squirrel and and you finally saw that jasine was was running after the squirrel and she was pulling you in the opposite direction of where you wanted to go and when she was dragging you across the ground and and and you were losing the skin on your elbows and losing the skin on your forearms why didn’t you let go she said uh I don’t know Andy some reason I just I just couldn’t let go and so that reminded me of an of an
(12:37) old proverb and the old proverb says that you’ve got to let go or be dragged and so here’s what I know that many of us that that we’ll go through life and and we’ll find ourselves in a toxic relationship and and and we just continue to hold on and we don’t want to let go and because we don’t want to let go we find ourselves being hurt because we don’t want to let go we find ourselves being degraded because of the fact that we don’t want to let go we find ourselves being unhappy or or we’re
(13:13) one of those individuals that we we’re working this business and and and maybe this is a business that that now that times have changed that the things are odd for me that the things that work for us yesterday are no longer working today and so we keep holding on and and we don’t want to let go because we say that we’ve invested too much money that we we don’t want to let go of of of the old things that we used to do in the past the the old ways of operating and running the business we don’t want to
(13:40) let go because that’s what worked for us 10 five years ago even though we know it’s no longer for working for us right now we don’t want to let go or maybe there’s those those those old habits that are Al hard to let go they said that bad habits are like a warm comfortable bed easy easy to get into but also hard to get out of that we don’t want to let go or are there some excuses that we know that that that we need to let go of because they’re keeping us away from our goals and our dreams and and we know in our hearts
(14:13) that we need to let go but we don’t want to let go here’s what I want to remind you tonight she gotta let go could be dragged and you you you’ve got to let go of that toxic relationship you’ve gotta let go of those excuses you’ve got to let go of that of that that that negative selft talk that you’ve got to let go of those old ways of doing things that you’ve got to let go of that that individual that you know is not seriously serious about the business that you’ve got to let go of that
(14:47) business partner that you know is not carrying their weight that you’ve got to let go of this thing that you know in your heart that is no longer serving you because it’s the only way she’ll be able to go go towards your goals and your dreams yeah it’s the only way that you’re finally going to have any any level of Happiness it’s the it’s the only way that you’re not going to lose your sanity I think about just just last week I I I I called up a particular gentleman that that he’s been a handyman
(15:21) that that has worked for me for quite some time as some of you may or not know I I I own quite a few rental properties and and I used to invest quite a bit in in real estate and I still do till this day and there’s a gentleman that back in 2004 he actually helped me in in repairing one of my very first rental properties one of the very first deals that I ever bought fixed and and repaired and and this is a gentleman that I’ve used him for years he’s helped me completely remodel homes and and not
(15:51) only have I used him over the years but I’ve referred him to countless individuals that have helped him be able to to maintain a level of income to be able to to pay his mortgage and provide for his family and and it’s been quite some time since I’ve needed him and and it was just two weeks ago I gave him a call because I have one of my rental properties that the the tenant was calling me and telling me that there was an issue and so I know that this guy I’ve been using him now for for quite
(16:18) some time since 2004 and I know that over the years I’ve spent so much money with him and I know that I’ve referred so many people to him I knew that I can count on him and so I called him up I said hey Ronnie hey man it’s Andy listen you know that rental property that you helped me repair many years ago I’ve got an issue man I need you to go over there and take care of it he said he he said no problem no problem I said Ronnie can I get you to take care of it over the weekend he said yes no problem perfect
(16:44) Ronnie do you need me to remind you no problem I got it I’ll take care of it and so as I waited the weekend went by and I called my tenant I said Hey listen now is everything okay did Ronnie come by and take care of it she said Ronnie no no Ronnie never came by the house I said are you kidding me Ronnie didn’t show up no no he didn’t so the issue still there yes yes he never came by and then so I was a little frustrated and I I picked up the phone and I called Ronnie again I said hey Ronnie I said
(17:13) what happened man you told me you’re gonna take care of it this weekend he said oh man I got so busy I got caught up by I’m gonna take care of it when do you need it done by I said Ronnie listen man I have an inspection coming up I need you to make sure you take care of it by Tuesday can I count on you Ronnie yes man you you can count on me Ronnie you’re not going to let me down again are you no no I got it man I’m going to take care of do you need me to remind you no no no no you don’t need to remind
(17:41) me I’ve got this I’m gonna take care of this I’m gonna I’m gonna make sure I do it as a matter of fact I’ll call you when I’m done and Tuesday I I wait it’s about 800 pm at night still no call from Ronnie and and now it’s it’s getting a little later on in the evening and so I’m con ER because Ronnie reassured me that he’s going to take care of it I know that he did it and so the following day I called my tenant up I said hey and Ronnie took care of everything right she
(18:10) said no Ronnie didn’t show up again Mr Andy I thought you said he was coming this is two times you said he was coming he didn’t show up wait a second he didn’t show up no he didn’t show up and so I I I picked up the phone and I called Ronnie two three times no answer and I called up a mutual friend who has been using Ronnie for as long as I have he’s been using Ronnie since back in 2004 and I gave him a call I said man I said I’m so upset he said why are you so upset Andy I said Ronnie man this guy
(18:40) left me hanging I I called him up and I told him to go and do this repair at this rental property and you think about how much money I’ve paid Ronnie over the years think about how many referrals I’ve given this guy how many times I’ve referred people to him where he’s made money there’s been times where Ronnie was down and out and I didn’t even need him for anything and I told him to meet me somewhere and I gave him money can you believe what this guy did to me he said Andy you’re really upset aren’t you
(19:06) I said yes I’m upset he said let me ask you a question he said has Ronnie worked for you in the past I said yes many a times he says have you made a lot of money using Ronnie I said yeah he said have you saved a lot of money Andy you saved a lot of money using Ronnie yes or no I said yes he said did you call Ronnie and ask him to come and and take care of this property from you and and and then did he not let you down I said yes he did he said when you called him up the second time and you told him how important it
(19:43) was you told him that you have an appointment you told him you had an inspection you told him you needed him there did you not show up again I said no he didn’t so uh it was pretty obvious Andy that uh this has nothing to do with Ronnie that Ronnie worked for you in the past that you’ve made some more money with Ronnie in the past but obviously Ronnie Ronnie is not working for you now so it’s time to let go I said but but come on man how what do you mean let go I said but hold on a second man this is Ronnie you know how
(20:22) much money I’ve given this guy and do do you know how many people I’ve referred him to I mean the least he could have done the least could have done was gave me a phone call and told me hey Andy listen I’m too busy I can’t make it he said Andy you’re right but he didn’t show up and he didn’t do what he said he was gonna do and I remember hearing this long time ago when somebody tells you who they are believe them the first time and so right now man it’s time to let go and so here love
(21:01) maybe right now you’ve got a you’ve got a Ronnie in your life and there somebody that they they they’ve they’ve been in your life and maybe at one point that that relationship that business relationship was working at one point they were excited about the business opportunity at one point they were excited in contributing as a partner but now now they they’ve become negative now they’ve become toxic now they no longer are doing stuff now now now it seems like they’ve they’ve died to the business
(21:32) opportunity and and here’s what I know it’s easier to give birth to to a new business partner it’s easier to give birth to somebody who’s really serious about the opportunity than trying to resurrect the dead that that maybe right now that you’ve been in a toxic relationship it’s a an abusive relationship and this person doesn’t value you and and I’m I’m talking about those of you who haven’t made the ultimate Val not those of you who are in the marriage but no your boyfriend and
(21:58) girlfriend someone who who’s abusing you somebody that you know that this relationship is obviously not going anywhere but you keep holding on because you’re you’re saying maybe I can change them and maybe you don’t realize that that it’s a hard time trying to change somebody else why because it’s a full-time job changing yourself and that it’s very unlikely that you’re going to change this individual and that now is the time that you need to let go or maybe you’re holding on to to this old
(22:27) habit this this this thing that you know that no longer serving you that it’s causing you to stay overweight it’s causing your your health to deteriorate it’s causing you from taking your business to the next level it’s causing you from from accomplishing your goals and your dreams and now now it’s time to let go and then yeah I I know it’s hard yeah I was I was frustrated how did I didn’t want to let go I thought about all the money that I spent with Ronnie I thought about all the referrals that I
(22:58) sent him but here’s what I know they said that that people come in your life sometimes for a reason there’s a specific purpose they’ve been putting your life to help you grow they’ve been put in your life to help you through a situations they’ve been put in your life to help you or maybe perhaps they’ve been put in your life to teach you patience they’ve been put in your life for a specific reason and sometimes someone has put into your life for a season there’s a season in your life
(23:25) because they’re gonna help you build a business they’re gonna help you save the money they’re gonna help you to expand a skill set they’re gonna help you to to learn how to become patient they’re gonna help you to learn how to become uh unselfish that that they’re in your life for this season and time but yet and still there’s just a few very few individuals that are gon to come into your life for a lifetime and because we know that the means is that they got to be ready at times to let
(23:56) go yeah we we you’ve got to let go or being dragged that’s right I want you to look at your life right now I want you to think about who is it what is it that you need to let go of because it’s it’s keeping you away from your goals and your dreams he or she is keeping you away from from doing that thing that you know that you need to do it be because it’s it’s pulling you it’s dragging you or she’s pulling you and he’s pulling you and dragging you in the other direction of your dreams of
(24:36) your goals of the things that you’re looking to accomplish and and so I I I think about when I I was in college and I remember my college roommate we were roommates for about four years and I remember we got so excited when time his father was coming in to visit us and his father was going to stay with us at the apartment and and we were excited and I just wanted to meet his father because his father was a medical doctor as a matter of fact he worked in the in the in the ER room and and this guy was brilliant
(25:09) he went to the Harry medical college and graduated top of his class and was extremely successful and so I just wanted to be prence of somebody who was successful like that I remember his father came in and I would just watch him and observe him I remember he’d wake up early in the morning and and he would grabb a cup of coffee and he would sit down and he was an educated man he’d sit down and and he would start reading the newspaper and then he’ pull out these magazines and these print outs and he
(25:37) would grab his highlighter and a pin and he’d be doing this research and I remember finally asking him I said Mr Todd I said what are you doing sir he said he said he said I well first I I I read the newspaper and I’m looking at the business section he says that even though I’m a medical doctor it’s important that you invest young man that you’ve got to invest in your future so I’m looking at stocks that I can purchase and buy and he said that maybe one day when when you and James have
(26:04) enough money you guys can invest in stock here’s a a stock that I’ve been following right here this company it was founded at this time it has to do with telecommunications and I’m going to buy this many shares and maybe one day when you and James have some money that you guys can invest in some stock too I said wait a second Mr Todd I said I’ve got a scholarship sir and I’ve applied for some extra scholarships and because I’ve applied those extra scholarships unlike many college students that are
(26:32) completely broke I actually have a couple of thousand dollars in I want to invest too and he said well I can’t tell you to invest your money but here’s a company I’ve been researching here’s the paperwork if you want to read it yourself and if you want to invest I can show you how you can set up an online account with a a merit trade and you can open up this account and and and here is the the the stock ID and you can read this stuff and if you want you can buy a couple shares and I remember going
(27:01) online and and going to the library and waiting in line and setting up my account and taking the research and I was excited and and I had a couple of thousand dollars and and at that time I didn’t know any better I just decided to take a big risk and and I took $33,000 which was about 80% of everything that I had and then $3,000 is a lot of money for a college student and I invested all in one company and I remember I was so excited and my roommate he did the same the money he had he he put in this company and we were excited we were like
(27:33) man we’re going to get rich I said we rich still in college man other people haven’t done this we we bought stocks in the company man this is awesome and then I remember we we were obsessed we would look every day and we saw the the company went up by a couple of cents and and it went up almost by a dollar and we’re excited and then all of a sudden now we’re about a couple weeks in and things start to go the other way all sudden now the company start to go down the stock stock stock was trading for for less
(28:07) money we were still okay we was still trading for for more than than what we bought it then then it went down you know went down by about 10% we’re like oh man it’s okay man it’s going to bounce back and then it went down by about 15% we said no no no man but it’s I’m I’m not gonna I’m not gonna let go I’m not gonna sell the stock now it’s it’s going to bounce back and then it went it went down by about 20 something perc and we said oh no come on man we’re not going to let go no no man
(28:36) this thing is gonna bounce back and then it went B by 30 something percent we said no we’re not gonna let go man this this thing is going to bounce back we know it is and then it was down by about 50% and we said no listen man we know this thing is going to bounce back and then it went down by about 70% and we said oh man it’s so low now can’t sell now no no we we’re only going to get a fraction of what we put in we’re just going to wait let’s wait for it to go back at least to 50 60% and then we sell
(29:07) and then and then we got a notice yeah the headlines read that this company and we had invested in due to the to the to the bubble due to the crash that the company filed chapter 11 bankruptcy and because the company filed chapter 11 bankruptcy that all the shareholders and stockholders and investors were certain to lose billions of dollars and even though we didn’t have billions invested even though it felt like that that that that that my investment of $33,000 gave me a return of zero cents and I I I remember me and my
(29:56) roommate sitting there on on that couch faces all along thinking about that we had lost more money than we had ever had and if only if only we would have let go so here’s what I say to you that that that that sometimes sometimes there’s a natural Incarnation that that it’s you want to hold on to this to this toxic relationship because you’re saying yourself that no it’s it’s going to bounce back I can I can turn this situation around I I’ve invested too much time I I I’ve been dealing with
(30:40) this person for a year for two years that that it’s only a matter of time this person is going to make this commitment this person is going to start treating me differently no I want to remind you that you’ve got to let go or be dragged that then maybe you’re you’re holding on and you’re trying to resurrect the dead there’s somebody that you recruited into your business that they were excited about the business they were showing up to the meetings that they were telling people about the
(31:05) business opportunity they were doing the three-way phone calls they were doing everything that was expected of them but now they’re dodging your phone calls now they’re not showing up to the meetings now they’re not showing up to the trains now they’re not doing what they’re supposed to do and you’re trying to resurrect the dead remember let go or be dragged or maybe you know you know in your heart that you’ve been holding on to this old Hab you’ve been holding on to this excuse you’ve been using this
(31:31) excuse in order to to not pursue your goals and your dreams you’ve been using this excuse in order to fall short of your dreams you’ve been using this excuse in order for you to not fully show up I want to remind you that you’ve got to let go or be dragged yeah yeah got to let go be drag to 2013 this is your year but in order for you to have the level of success that you want in order for you to turn your financial situation around in order for you to have happiness in order for you to accomplish your goals and your dreams in order for
(32:17) you to make this thing happen that you’ve got to let go of those toxic relationships that you’ve got to let go of those excuses that you’ve got to let go of those those those those past excuses that you’ve got to let go of those habits that are no longer serving you you’ve got to let go of that individual that’s dragging you in the opposite direction of your goals your dreams and your happiness that you’ve got to let go why because if you don’t you’ll be dragged this is the Andy
(32:59) and this wouldn’t be me try to end in by telling you this remember to always show up for your life because if you don’t if you don’t ladies and gentlemen nobody else will Stacy andc Grant W I had to get the fire extinguisher over here over here my my my let go or be drag what a message tonight I know everyone that was listening to the sound of your voice Andy has truly taken the moments that they need to re-evaluate who they need to let go I I just love the message I love how you share that sometimes that’s could be the one thing
(33:53) Andy that folks have to do in order to break through to the next best version themselves so I continue to salute you on the work that you’re doing ladies and gentlemen I told you that everybody you L and cared about been on this call tonight listening to these words please make sure that you go on to brown.
(34:13) Le on Facebook post your comments about tonight’s call let let know that Andy brought it tonight and that you walked away with something that you can literally use tangibly in your own world because 2013 it’s not not a game this is your year this is your time Andy thank you so much can you tell anyone how they can stay connected with you just to follow the amazing work that you’re doing absolutely first of all thank you Stacy andc grant for being a wonderful host tonight and once again for those of you who joined the call a little late
(34:47) Les is in Canada right now touching and inspiring some lives but he send his love and and and wants to commend all of you for continuing to to join the Monday night Mot call for those make sure you like


(00:00) that join US Weekly and for those of you that are new to the call tonight you should know that this is your place your place for motivation inspiration and empowerment I am Anita Hicks your host motivational speaker life coach and business trainer thank you so much for joining us for investing in yourself and joining us on this call tonight after the call you will have an opportunity to chat live on Facebook with Mr Brown and ch with the other likeminded people in this community so join us on lace on Les Brown’s Facebook page which is brown.

(00:39) Les now when you go to Les Brown you will see many Les Browns out there but there’s only one the one that that almost has 100 which has about 98,000 likes so please do that and we also encourage you to go to Les Brown to hear about the places that Mr Brown will be speaking and I’m sure he will share that with you as well tonight Mr Brown how are you I’m I’m great and grateful and I’m also saddened by the tragedy that has taken place in our country absolutely yes it’s it’s devastating you

(01:16) know my cousin he’s in Boston and he he would run the Boston Marathon for years he’s not running it now but he often he often he every year he goes to the Boston Marathon just to watch this spectate and view like most people so I was searching for him because I called all of my family in Boston Not only was I all of our family members were because we were we were all looking for him so fortunately he is fine but there are other friends of his that are not so I too like you am a little saddened so with you my prayers are for Boston as

(01:54) well yes the this type of tragedy and the kind of mind we can’t even Phantom what kind of mind that can conceive of doing something of this nature and this is a time where we our our prayers go out to the the victims and their families and and we just pray that that God would give them the strength to make it through this experience absolutely yes thank you so much I want to talk to you about when tragedy strikes last week Monday I got a call from a friend of mine named Robert Boyd and Robert Boyd was a person that I

(02:50) met many years ago in Columbus Ohio he got me involved in multi-level marketing and introduced me to Jim Rowan and different other motivational speakers he was some he’s one of those individuals that been involved for for many years and we travel together doing presentations for a multi-level marketing company called Best Line Products and he called me about a deal which he always had something going I mean probably over the years over more than 30 years annoying Bob I I would say that he perhaps introduced me to maybe over 40

(03:35) multi-level marketing companies he and he was a guy that he had the same level of energy and the same level of determination and enthusiasm about a new opportunity every time it was like the first time he’d ever introduced me to one and one of the things that that I as I look back and reflect as I prepare to go to Columbus on Wednesday to speak at his funeral is that we had no way of knowing that was going to be the last conversation that we would have that on Wednesday when we were scheduled to have a meeting his son got a call from Bob and

(04:25) he was sick and he was hospitalized and Thursday he was on life support and then he passed day before yesterday one of the things that it really struck me was that I’m sure had we known that was going to be the last conversation that we were going to have the conversation would have gone in a different direction the same thing as as the Boston Marathon that we never know what’s around the corner we never know what’s going to happen in the next moment and so what do you do when something as unspeakable

(05:13) horrific when something that happens that you just never saw coming what do you do when tragedy strikes and one of the first things that we have to do I believe is that we literally have to pause in the moment to gather ourselves to connect with ourselves because we’re shocked I was shocked when I got the call from Kyle who said would you say a few words to my father we will put the phone to his ear and and talk to him he won’t be able to talk back to you because of tubing that’s going down his throat and and I said a few words that I

(06:05) knew that would make him smile and and K said he did smile and one of the things that we know is that when things happen to us even though we know that this has not come to stay the pain that we’re experiencing the grief the sadness that has not come to stay has come to pass but in the moment in the midst of it we have to gather ourselves in the midst of it we have to begin to stand up inside ourselves in the midst of it we’ve got to find the strength and the vision to look past the tragedy of where we are at that particular moment

(06:48) and to step in a place of healing to step in a place of inner strength to step in a place that will allow us to hold on and to have some hope in the midst of what’s Happening even though we cannot understand even though it doesn’t make sense that someplace within ourselves we’ve got to find the strength to weather the storm of that moment because life is full of them and it will always happen it’s a part of the whole process of Being Human when tragedy strikes to find the strength to hold on

(07:30) to find the ability to say God give me the power and the healing to make it through this moment when tragedy strikes and it can happen at any point whe we’re working on a dream as bar has called me about an idea a dream a business proposal and a a whole concept that he felt that would take his life to another level something that he wanted me to be a part of and that as we look at ourselves and look at where we want to go I think that what I like about in and reflecting on Bob’s life he was in pursuit of a dream the people who were

(08:10) running the Boston Marathon that was the dream of of many people who participated people who watched and and were Witnesses and what we know is that whenever we’re working on something when we’re are going through something when we are pursuing something there’s some power in that and we also know that there are people that are envious and jealous there are people who will try and and sabotage us and try and and kill our Spirits or take us out it’s a part of of this thing called life and that

(08:43) what we have to do is show up for ourselves in the midst of that what we have to do is to find strength within ourselves in the midst of it what we have to do is not try and make sense of it because we can’t we can’t we can’t think like crazy people we can’t think like sick Minds there’s nothing that we can say in in response to why would something or someone do something like this there’s no answer that we could say to ourselves that can make it okay and that’s maybe that’s when we

(09:20) have to lean not unto thine own understanding maybe that’s the time that we have to begin to know that there are moments in life that were just sometimes can’t Comfort us that we have to just be still in the midst of it as I was speechless when kyl called and said my dad passed this morning when Kelly brashard called me and said her father pass that things happen to us sometimes in life that all we can do is just be still all we can do is just sometimes get silent to listen to our own breathing we could even hear our own

(10:02) heartbeat and we just try and find the strength to continue to stand to continue to move forward in the midst of the moment and life life will bring us those kinds of moments and the words of Charles Udall come to me now said in life you will be always be faced with a series of God ordained opportunities brilliantly Skies as problems and challenges and and that it’s it’s easy to have faith and to stand up inside yourself when things are working out it’s easy to to be positive and motivated and have determination and

(10:43) drive when things are matching your level of expectation but when tragedy strikes where do you run to then how do you handle it then how do you keep your head up then how do you keep your witth then how do you stand strong within yourself at that particular time and it’s not easy it is not easy to do that and so as we look at ourselves and look into the future and and look at where we are and look at the that the rawness and the freshness of the tragedy that we’re experiencing emotionally individually

(11:24) and collectively as we look at life and look at what T took place at the Boston Mar thought and some people have lost jobs some people have lost family members some people have had other things to happen to them in the midst of all of it we have to begin to affirm that somehow some way that we’ll get through this somehow someway we’re going to be on the other side of this tragedy somehow someway we must find the strength and the power and the perseverance and the faith and the patience to keep moving to keep moving

(11:59) forward to stay strong and to support each other and to encourage each other and to motivate each other when I think about right now where we are and what’s happening in the the collective psyche as we’re thinking about people who are horrified about what is taking place and what kind of person could think of or people that can think of killing innocent people I remember as a kid when when one of the most horrifying moments when when little kids were blown up in church during the Civil Rights era when I was a

(12:42) kid and we used to wonder I used to ask how could God let something of this nature happen how could how could anybody do such a thing and of course we had no answers I remember as I thought about it as a kid the fear the I had I remember when a time that we lost our whistle I remember as a kid men used to whistle and then imit till emit till who was a young kid in the South imtil who whistled he whistled at a white woman and I remember as a kid I can see his picture in Jet Magazine he was lynched and killed and and as a result from that

(13:29) day to this day I never heard another black man whistle in public ever again a tragedy I used to give a speech saying they took our whistle away and and and and even though the Boston Marathon of all the years that that had took place and no tragedies that there’s something as a result about this event that it will will never be the same again that this moment on this day something has been taken from us an innocence a celebration of the power of the human Spirit has been snatched from us and that this is a time that that we

(14:20) have a moment a moment that can defin us or we will Define the moment because life is full of tragedies Victor Franco said that life is full of unavoidable suffering but yet and still we still have the power to determine whether or not this moment in history will Define us or if we will Define the moment that that we can either be empowered and strengthened by it and have a deep down resolve that this this time in our lives will not Rob us of our faith of our strength of our belief in the future of people coming together from around the

(15:07) world with a common interest and running together and sharing a moment of celebration of the power of the human Spirit together when tragedy stricks it’s a time that that we have to acknowledge that we have to deal with things and many times we don’t understand many times we can’t find answers many times there are no words that can Encompass the symbolism of the pain and the suffering And the emotions that we go through because we just can’t describe it but yet and still we know it’s a part

(15:56) of life we understand that we know that and we have to move on we have to move through it we have to resolve that this will not Define us this will not destroy us and we must pick up and move on as we look at some words that said many times when we have a teeth rattling experience and the Very Foundation of our life has been shaken we run to God only to discover that is God that’s doing the shaking and it’s a time that that we will come together turn to each other rather than on each other and look for ways in which we can

(16:43) move forward United determine to help to create a world where this little kind of darkness and tragic demented thick thinking the behavior in the mind that produced this kind of horrific crime and tragedy that we could create a world where this kind of tragedy will not take place as we begin to Envision a world where the value of human life can go far beyond any kind of sickness of people who would come together to do something as tragic as this when tragedy strikes is a time to continue to hold the vision to have faith to Have Courage

(17:38) have determination not to stop to keep moving to keep our heads up to ask God for the strength to pull us through we have to connect with ourselves mentally emotionally and spiritually as we look and go through this Valley experience and know that even in the midst of the darkness that light shall come forth through this it always does and that light of Hope is what will pull us through the tragedies of life and allow us to still stand to continue to pursue our dreams and not allow anything or anyone or any situation or

(18:31) circumstance to Rob us of our Drive our dreams and determination let us pray and and continue to have the strength and spirit to move forward and not lose our Drive in spirit to come together to do what we can to make the world a better place than how we find it not only for ourselves today but for Generations yet unborn God bless you stand continue to have faith even in the face of tragedies continue to believe this is Les Brown God bless you thank you so much Les thank you and thank you you callers for joining us we look forward to hearing from you

(19:34) next week


(00:00) looks with her husband or looks how great this woman is with with uh her child or look how powerful this man is with with his significant other trust me on this it’s not as great as it looks I don’t care who it is I don’t care what they say on television I don’t care what they say in the magazines or the interviews or what you see around the neighbor’s house bottom line is the grass is not greener ladies and gentlemen just water the grass where you at until it gets green and then when it
(00:30) gets green see if you can add some fertilizer and make it Greener but definitely work with what you’ve got that’s what these mothers did in my family some of them are from different countries some of them have been through uh setbacks and disappointments some of them don’t even know who their own mothers are but they stood up when they found out that they got this word that life was coming through them they made a decision you know what I’m gonna work with what I’ve got and that’s what I
(00:57) want to tell you about your dreams and your goals don’t don’t get caught up in what you might think someone else has because at the end of the day you are Priceless you are magnificent you are wonderfully made you have everything you need right inside of you you you came here with it it’s in your DNA it’s in your makeup you were known by the by the the uh the one above I’m not g get churchy on you let’s just say whoever you call him to be you were known by him uh before you were formed in your
(01:30) mother’s womb and so with that there are things that you might think in your mind well if I just had more money or if I just had more support well if I just could get my family to back me or if I could just have you know if I was a little cuter if I was a little more handsome or if I was a little taller or if I was shorter if I was skinnier listen none of that matters at the end of the day the question is have you accepted yourself have you validated yourself have you gotten to a place within your own existence where you
(02:02) understand who and whose you are and you have said listen I’m going to put my money on me I’m going to vote on me because I know that I didn’t get here by chance or by accident the fact that you’re even here the fact that somebody said yes I’m going to give birth to this child and they and they gave birth to you they made that decision they worked with what they’ve got and maybe they didn’t even get a chance to raise you maybe they just passed you on to somebody else and stranger raised you
(02:31) like my daddy or maybe they did and they didn’t do a good job because they didn’t know how to give love because nobody loved them it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day the bottom line is you’re here the bottom line is you still have breath in your lungs the bottom line is this is your moment in time and the question is what are you going to do with it what are you going to do with what you have your thoughts your creativity your ability to create whatever you want your ability to design a life that others will only
(03:05) dream of your ability to wake up and do something magnificent each and every day that’s who you are that’s What You’re Made Of You are descendants of those who would not give up and had they given up you wouldn’t even be here right now so I encourage you to work with what you’ve got I don’t care what you’re facing right now I don’t even know what you’re facing but I know this about you you are more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine and you have more inside of you
(03:36) than you can ever begin to imagine the question is how can you stop scraping the surface and just tapping into a little bit of your greatness and your powerful your power and begin to go to your next level of existence to get to that next level of what’s inside of you what’s waiting to come forth the person that you have not even given birth to yes I’m asking to come back and be born again and I’m not talking about going back into your mama’s womb I’m talking about how you can wake up to somebody
(04:09) brand new let go of who you are for who you can become and understand that if you’re willing to take that process if you’re willing to go through that Journey if you’re willing to endure the birthing pains if you’re willing to take the time to grow through whatever fears you might have or doubts you might have and I I’m sure when a mother has carried a child for nine months there there had to be moments of of fear moments of anxiety moments of concern I’m sure with great expectation and and great
(04:41) excitement but there’s also some probably some worry some concern some doubt some fear all these things that happen when you’re giving birth to your dream it’s a process and so getting through those rough days getting through those pains getting through the nausea getting through the headaches getting through the being uncomfortable and and not knowing how you can sit right or lay right or not sure of what you can what you can eat or can’t eat or you might want to have a glass of wine but you
(05:14) can’t have a glass of wine or people smoking so you got to leave out because you don’t want to be around people that are smoking because you got something inside of you you better watch your relationship you better watch your environments cuz if you’re giving birth to a dream and you’re bringing forth something new inside of you and you’re getting ready to bring forth a person that hasn’t even been here yet environment is important ladies and gentlemen relationships is important ladies and gentlemen you can’t just go
(05:40) everywhere be around anybody do what you used to do and think it’s okay no because you are on a mission and that is your Your Divine appointment is with your destiny that you’re here to meet so stay in your purpose work with what you’ve got and then finally I thought about the fact that the you know what they had to hold the vision they had to hold the vision the days when the child doesn’t want to act right the days when the child is doesn’t want to sleep or the days when the child is cranky or the days when you may not
(06:15) have everything you want to give the child or the days when the child gets on your last nerve because they’re being disrespectful or they’re being uh mean or hateful or the days when a child might just be turning out for no good reason just acting like they don’t have no good sense but you still got to love him as a mother you still have to hold the vision and press forward and continue to do what you’re supposed to do as a mother continue to Fe I know it was so many times my mother probably
(06:43) wanted to not even deal with me because I was a handful trust me I was not a bad child but I always had this uh Freedom about me and I always had this uniqueness about me and I always had this uh uncon unconventional way of thinking and and being and so I had all these thoughts that were outside of the box and I never wanted to be boxed in I wanted to be my own unique expression and somehow in the midst to that she would allow me to do that but I still had to stay within certain parameters and I still had to respect the fact that
(07:15) she was my mother and that was an interesting balance and so what I say to you is that when you’re working towards your dreams the circumstances are not going to always be great for you in the midst of that but you’ve got to hold the vision because this this easy to say yeah I want to be an entrepreneur but what about when you ain’t making no money and the bills are still coming or it’s easy to say you know what I want to launch this idea but what if you can’t get anybody support you you can’t even
(07:41) get people to call you back that said they were going to call you you have an event at your house you can’t even get people to show up and they said they were going to be there you sitting there eating the chips and the punch by yourself and the dogs looking at you like you crazy this is a part of the journey this is how you have to hold the vision and understand that you can still press forward in the midst of it all it’s a part of the process that’s they’re going to be days when you feel like giving up trust me on that but the
(08:09) question is will you press forward will you hold the vision will you continue to do what it is that you decided to do a while ago when it was easy it’s not just about when it’s easy yes it’s nice when you have children that will that are cute and and mannerable and respectful and when they do what you want them to do and and when they and when things go exactly the way you want them to go and and when they actually go that extra mile to show you how much they care about you and tell you how much they
(08:39) love you and tell you how much they appreciate you and you see the fruits of your labor and you get to see your your roses while you are still yet alive that’s beautiful too but please know please trust know and believe that there going to be other days when it’s not going to be like that and that’s a part of every mother that’s a part of taking something on I found a definition of mother that I loved and it says something or someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else I repeat that something
(09:14) or someone that gives rise to or exercises protecting care over something else so the question is will you protect your dream will you care for your dream will you love your dream even the dream loable will you continue to do what it is that you were called to do will you honor the purpose and the calling in your heart will you be who you were designed to be even when it’s not easy even when it doesn’t feel good when I sat there and looked at my great grandmother my grandmother who uh was sitting in the room and and looking at
(09:53) her great great great grandchild I thought about how many times she may have felt like throwing in the tow and giving up I thought about how many times you probably felt like these children are getting on my last nerve why did I decide to have them but in the midst of it all there’s so much joy there’s so much reward there’s so much pleasure in seeing how you can make it happen and so we just give thanks for those who said yes who decided for us to be here and whether they’re they’re perfect or imperfect or
(10:28) whether they are a work in progress or some special people it doesn’t matter the bottom line is you have life they gave you life and the question is what will you do with your life and will you decide to honor the life of the dream that is coming through you will you work with what you’ve got and will you hold the vision even when it’s hard even when it’s difficult even when it may not feel too good and you you question why you decided to do what you’re going to do will you hold that vision and I suggest
(11:06) to you and I invite you to do those things I invite you to decide I invite you to work with what you’ve got and I invite you to hold the vision even when it’s not easy and know that you’re not out here alone there are people on this call right now that are going through some of the same stuff that you’re going through been through some of the thing same things that you are in the midst of right now and so they made it you can make it if your ancestors made it you can make it if your grandma and them
(11:36) made it with less resources less information less um money less contacts less they didn’t have no Facebook friends and they did it they didn’t know nothing about Google and they did it so if they did it you can do it I believe in you we love you from the Browns family live your dreams and this is on your dreams with Ona Brown and we love you look forward to talking to you another time in the meantime pursue what it is that you’re here to do and do it with everything you’ve got um Miss Ona Brown what a message
(12:13) tonight Ona before we do anything else please let everyone know how they can stay connected with you so they can get some more of this yummy and delicious nuggets to keep them moving along girl you laid it down tonight so how can they stay in touch with you Ona Okay so they can go to the website which is www.brown.
(12:36) com that’s o a b r they can actually shoot me an email at coach owner Brown coach owner Brown and they can send me a Facebook me or Twitter me whatever under Coach oner Brown as well and then I’ve got an owner Brown account on Facebook as well so and then I gave out that number where you can actually register for the speaker training 30599 9 5556 that’s 305 99955 56 excellent Ona and I want you to repeat that quote again every hour you’re not in the middle of your Masterpiece yes that is Mike Murdoch he
(13:15) said every hour that you are not in the center of your expertise you are in the middle of your weakness all right now one more time that’s a tweetable moment every hour that you are not in the center of your expertise you are in the middle of your weakness I tell you I love it Mr Mike Murdoch I thank you I’ll thank him and thank Ona couple of times before I take that [Laughter] one ABS absolutely love it thank you so much Ona for these words your father will be completely thrilled to hear the feedback that everyone is about to post on Brown
(14:01) doless that’s brownless on Facebook please go onor you going to have a chance to go on and interact yes I do I have some time excellent so everyone if you have a comment or a question or you want to let Les Brown know how his daughter brought it tonight please log on to Facebook and


(00:00) the conference is in presentation mode your line is muted do more and finally she did something that’s very important why won you do is write this down she developed the courage to act on her feelings at that moment see there’s an old thing wherever you find yourself at some point in time you made an appointment to be there she had created this beauty salon she loves doing hair but she knew that what she had was more than that she was doing a lady’s hair and this lady looked at her and said you know something Monica you
(00:32) really got it going on and this lady was paying her a compliment but in Monica’s mind she didn’t have it going on in her mind she was thinking about I can do more than this I’m more than a here stylist I’ve got a voice I’ve got a story I’ve have a passion for people I want to make a difference with life she wanted to make a statement with her life she wants to build a legacy she wants to travel around the world she want to see the world and she want to make a difference where she was in terms of her
(00:59) income and in her impact on life and so she was reflecting and she said this is not it and she realized that she was living a fear-driven life rather than taing into the courage she had within herself and begin to act on her ideas I’m suggesting to you what is it you really want to do what is it that resonates with your heart and spirit what is it that you think about it you get excited I love the Train the people who were watching me today they saw me acting like a little kid I’m in my 69th year on the
(01:32) planet I’m not talking about retirement I’m ref fired what is it that fires you up when you think about now I say to you if you’re not there I say to you in the spirit of Monica green you can do more what will it take less it will take for you to develop the courage that I’m not going to live a counterfeit life it’s going to take for you to have the courage to face the truth about yourself Winston Churchill said the truth has been controver able malice May attack it ignorance may dered but at the end there
(02:04) it is K said truth crush the Earth to arise again my favorite book said ye shall know the truth and the truth will set you free and I suggest to you when you begin to know the fact that you’re not doing what you were born to do I suggest to you when you face yourself in a moment of reflection and look at yourself as she did as Monica did and a spirit of of courage and said I’m not living like this anymore I’ve had it see that’s when people’s lives change when they get to the point where they
(02:34) say I’ve had it I’m out of here I was working on a job and I just got tired of them they didn’t like me and I didn’t like them and I said look here I’m going I’ve had it I quit they said where you going I said away from here do you have another job not yet but I’m out of here I couldn’t do that anymore you’re about to make me lose my mind up in here up in here about to make me act the fool up in here up in here and I got my albums and and records and I got out of there before going to jail for somebody and so
(03:07) you got to look at yourself because sometimes your temple get short with people you have an attitude and what’s wrong you out of alignment the place where you are the expiration dat is G your life is power then it’s time for you to move on I wrote a post on our website I want you go there brown.
(03:26) Les on our Facebook brown. Les and I said in life when you don’t have enough courage or awareness to know that you have outgrown certain people in certain situations and it’s time to move on life will move on you and so that’s what happened with Monica Green Life had moved on her she became stressed out things started getting on her nerves and and she said to herself I can do more and she developed the courage to get out of there and she started out by selling her business she sold her business she went back to school she got an MBA and
(04:04) she started doing a variety of jobs for various corporations and then she decided to go back into business for herself and I suggest to you as you look at yourself and you say to yourself that I can do more you develop the courage to act on your ideas is very important that you take action what is it you need to do write down an action plan that’s what she did she made an assessment of her talents abilities and skills she thought about what is is it that she loves and what turns her on that will allow her to
(04:33) feel that she had it going on from her own point of power and View and she said I’m going to go back to school I’m going to begin to to pursue some other goals and find out what resonates with me what really resonates with you see at the end of the day life is not just about survival life is about living and what it takes to live and what it takes to survive are totally two different things and here something else as you look at your goals and look at your dreams it’s very important that you make a decision
(05:07) based upon your faith and not your fears fear as Zig Ziggler once said false evidence appearing real Faith finding answers in the heart what’s in your heart where your heart is there your Treasures also what’s in your heart what do you feel what is it that you can do seven days a week if if you could do something that resonates with you and and you would do it for free because you love it so much this a career something you love so much that you do it for nothing but you do it so well that people will pay you to do it I remember
(05:43) when I resigned from the Ohio legislature went back to Liberty City to take care of my mother who was suffering from breast cancer and I spoke on a volunteer basis every week at the Cale Auditorium started in my mother’s living room with just five people and in six months over 3,000 people came out to hear me speak in Miami from 7:00 until 8:00 at the Caleb Auditorium on 54th Street in 22nd Avenue I was doing what I love to do had no idea that those things those moments that I stood there on that stage speaking had no idea when I had
(06:18) cat Roberts writing a song to match the speech that I was going to give I had no idea the books that I was reading and the ritual that I created to memorize two to three quotes a day I had no idea that that was preparing me for a new life I had no idea that I’ll be traveling around the world to Malaysia and to Singapore to Hong Kong and to Adel and Perth Australia traveling with a billionaire Sir Richard Branson I had no idea out of Liberty City to traveling around the world doing what I love to do I say to you you have something special
(06:55) you’ve got greatness within you I say to you that eye has not seen ear has not heard nor has enter the heart of man has God nor has entered man the heart of mankind what God has in store for you if you willing to live a faith-driven life if you’re willing to develop the courage to do what resonates with you and that’s what Monica did she went back to school she got a degree she did a variety of corporate jobs and she went back in business for herself and now she’s creating a new chapter that’s
(07:28) exciting Helen Keller said that life is either a daring Adventure or it’s boring this a time right now you can be replaced by an app this is a time right now you can do your best on a job and come in and they say well I’m sorry we’re Bor and another Direction this is the time right now that they are Outsourcing all the jobs where people are working today and don’t think about the consequences it will have on those individuals or their families or their children or their lifestyle this is a time right now that you have to take
(08:04) responsibility for yourself this is a time right now that you have to cover your own back and that’s what Monica did and that’s what you have to do and that’s what I have to do why because you can do more and because you can do more it’s a mandate on your life to do that so anybody can sit around and be a spectator and watch other people live their dreams but the people that are going make a difference the people that will leave legacies rather than liabilities the people that are going to make their Mark individuals who are
(08:39) taking responsibility for their feelings for their thoughts for their emotions for their mindset and have an achievement Driven Life and they’re saying to themselves I can do more not only are they saying it it’s showing up in their behavior it’s showing up when they execute in the action plans they write down and they implement it shows up and the achievements collaborative relationships that they create people around them who think like them people around them who Inspire them people around them who bring the best out of
(09:12) them see there’s a reason that you’re listening to me right now everything that I’m saying you already know it you already feel in your heart everything that I’m saying I’m just confirming and validating that which is in you everything that I’m saying is stirring up something in you that says you can do more and you want to be about the business of doing that and so I want to leave this with you I don’t know what your goals are I don’t know what you want to do one of my classmates
(09:45) died and the Satan was he died in the house by himself and I submit to you that he did not I submit to you that there was a person in him that the world never got a chance to see because he kept himself on the external level so intoxicated with alcohol and marijuana that we never really got a chance to see his potential I submit to you this friend of mine that I knew in school who had great writing skills never wrote a chapter using that gift that had been given him and he was getting beat EAS and Aid without
(10:31) studying and I would struggle and still get teased and look on his paper and wonder how did he know the answers and he didn’t even have to study for it he had a gift he never wrote a chapter that died with him he took that gift he had a good skill in terms of art born with it never trained he took that with him too he took his art his writing skills and his talent and his potential to his grave with no he wasn’t in bed by himself when he died the ghost of those abilities those talents those dreams all of that died
(11:09) with him when he took his last breath what’s with you if you die today what gifts what talents what abilities what dreams will die with you I say to you that you can do more I say to you take the position of Monica green decide to have the courage to face the truth about yourself decide to begin to live your life from a place of power and don’t give yourself a pass don’t make any excuses for yourself decide to live a faith-driven life rather than a fear-driven life decide to take some action because faith without works is
(11:54) dead and decide that you can do more and you will because if you don’t the world will suffer if you don’t in historical context we will all be deprived if you don’t you’ll be like the 87 people 87% of the people who go to their graves wondering if I had use my talents and abilities and skills would my life be in a different place if you don’t you perhaps ask the question as Ral Waldo Emerson said what if you live your whole life only to discover at of was wrong if you don’t you’ll be like the man who
(12:32) said oh God to reach the point of death only to realize that you’ve never lived only to realize that you’ve never scraped the surface of your potential you have something special you have greatness within you and you’re listening to me now because you know this already in your heart of hearts yes Monica you’re right there is more in you yes yes yes yes I can’t see those of you that are listening to me but I can say to you from my own experience there is more in you you’ve got greatness within you that’s my story
(13:13) and I’m sticking to it my name is Les Brown I’m Mrs M Brown’s baby boy I want your comments I want you to go to my Facebook at brown. Les and let me know your feelings and Reflections on this conversation tonight to inspire you to pursue your dreams I believe in the saying always strive to get on top in life because it’s the bottom that’s over crowd yes there is more in you thank you for that inspiration Monica green God bless the day you were born needo yes sir there is more in me too thank you so much Les for those powerful
(13:53) words well Mr Brown where are you traveling this week are you in Florida can people come and hear you there well I’m in I’m in Orlando last day of training tomorrow then I’ll fly out and I’ll go to Los Angeles and then on Friday I’m flying to Oakland California I’m speaking on Sunday morning in Oakland for Reverend E with my daughter Ona on Father’s Day and so those of you that are listening if you know anybody in Oakland California spread the word that Mrs M Brown’s baby boy is coming
(14:27) and his baby girl Ona Brown we’re going to tag team and speak together with day together in Oakland so I’m really excited about it of be eating hot cup on a for Reverend E is a powerful Minister but a mentor of mine for for many years I love her and I’m going to give her a chance to get some rest and I’m going to go in there and serve her well so please spread the word look out Oakland this is M Brown’s baby boy is on the way well thank you so much Mr Brown and I know everyone is looking forward to going to your website and
(15:03) going to Facebook to make their comments tonight about this powerful message yes and I also will take some calls before I hang up okay I’ll take about two or three calls very well okay listeners for those of you that are on the call star six to unmute your line if you have a comment or question for Mr Brown all callers are muted and may unmute themselves by pressing star six please can you hear me yes we can hear okay great and privilege and honor to be on the call huh I’m very excited and happy every time I get on to uh
(15:54) receive a JT of energy boost to get me going for the rest of the week and then so I’m able to plug in again one question that I have for you um what’s the best advice that you can provide for me to encourage someone who uh to uh to move from the point of they know what they ought to do but to get them to move forward to take that step to begin to do it what is it they want to do with their lives and and believe them because one of the things that my Angela said she said if it walks like a duck looks like
(16:28) a duck and talk like a duck it’s a duck one of the things that I’m doing now is inuring people work with the Willing a person convinced against their will is of the same opinion still if that person is not hungry if that person is not motivated if that person does not want to at this point in time do something significant with their lives then leave them alone until they get to that place where they can hear you sometimes it takes a minute or somebody else speaking to them that will come at them from a
(17:00) different angle with a different voice and they respond to it but I’m I’m saying to you don’t waste your energy if they’re not willing whosoever will let him come work with the Willing that’s the most important thing to do and don’t frustrate yourself thank you very much thank you very much Ray Razer from DC Brown from DC how you doing all right it’s so great to hear your voice doing great yeah I I how can I I didn’t get your number the last time I saw you how can I get my number to you or get in
(17:34) touch with you CU why okay all right Le I I appreciate it okay thank you event of Sunday got we got we gotta get a system where we can select people and not have all the chaos so we let i’ like for you to go to my Facebook at brown. there’s a great message on there that will motivate you and inspire you and in addition to that all callers are muted yes let me say this again go to my Facebook brown.
(18:25) W and post your comments that means a lot to me also let me know how many people is listening to the call and if it’s having any value or impact and read the message and give me some comments on the message we posted last night and I’ll be posting another message tonight we do a new one every night our goal is to have Global impact our goal is to train 100,000 Voices of Hope outside of religion and outside of politics both of which polarize and divide people how many people we had here today on the call tonight work yeah today here in Orlando we had we had a
(19:01) small group that we’re doing an intensive work with with our Platinum Group and circle of Mastery and it was just being great and we see some people have just great potential that’s going to be going out here making impact changing lives and earning a lot of money as well but thank you Anita I appreciate you very much I love you and and spread the word for everybody tell them to put it on their Facebook Les br will be Reverend E Church in Oakland California this Sunday morning on Father’s day and happy Father’s Day to
(19:31) all the father take care now what was it Rend e e ebes yes that’s the alphabet e they call a Reverend E it’s a church of religious science there Oak California very good thank you so much Brown we appreciate you we’re sending energy and love to you and thank you so much for what you do every week we appreciate you you so much thank you I love you God blessed love you too all right everyone thank you so much for joining us you heard it right here please join Mr Brown if you’re in Oakland California for this Sunday
(20:09) Father’s Day at revend e in Oakland California and please go to Les Brown’s page at brown. Les we want to hear from you we want to hear your comments make sure you visit Les Brown’s page his website also and again his Facebook page and for those those of you that are interested in contacting me my name is Anita Hicks you can reach me at Anita anita.
(20:39) com or either go to my website Anita that’s


(00:01) hello everyone today is June the 17th 2013 I want to welcome you to Les Brown’s Monday night motivation with world renowned motivational speaker speech coach and bestselling author Les Brown this is your place your place for motivation inspiration and empowerment I am Anita Hicks your host motivational speaker life coach and business trainer I want to thank you for investing in yourself and joining us tonight and for those of you that are new welcome to the call tonight and those of you that are back welcome back and after the call we
(00:42) want to hear from you you will have an opportunity to send us a message on Les Brown’s Facebook page at brown. Les so let us know what your thoughts are about the call tonight and also Mr Brown is going to give you some information on how to email him where he’s going to be and all of that good stuff m Mr Brown how are you I’m better than good better than most and sometimes even better than that well Les I want to say Happy Belated Father’s Day I did text you but I know that you were be you were being
(01:16) showered with wonderful um gifts and the presence of your family and grandkids cuz I know what a wonderful father you are so I want to say that personally and acknowledge you on this call so I hope you had a happy Father’s Day thank you and and Happy Father’s Day to you because even though your mother you’ve been serving as a father boy okay yes indeed all right yes I had a great time I spoke at the church of religious science in Oakland California and and owner spoke with me and she did a great
(01:49) job I I called her when I got to the airport I said owner I said you’re not afraid of me anymore usually I I can rattle her you know when I would do my part when I go first she’s not scared anymore only is a bad girl Les you taught her well that’s a bad girl you’ve done a phenomenal job so I know she held her own yeah she held her own and up she did it I was I was impressed I had to bring it from down deep well I’m gonna put the call on mute because we’re already ready thank you so much I want to thank all of you for
(02:28) being on this call this call is is it’s really a a call I want you to think about your goals I want you to think about your life I’ve been in a reflective mode I I was in Oakland California and had the opportunity to speak for a very good friend of mine Reverend E Reverend E she has had the Church of religious science there in Oakland California for over 30 years and and she was kind enough to have me come in to speak and and my daughter owner we shared the platform together and had just incred incredible experience and
(03:03) and the people from the church they showed tremendous tremendous response I want to and we’re going to do a a seven-week series there I’ve got to get the date and determine when I’m going to do that I’m going to be in Raleigh North Carolina next Tuesday speaking on a major motivational event that’s being sponsored by success resources I’m here in New York now and I’m going to be speaking at the Brooklyn Marriott Lorraine Watkins Lorraine Brown Watkins is sponsoring an event at the Brooklyn
(03:38) Marriott and the reception is at six o’clock it’s been a long time since I’ve done this type of event in New York and so I’m excited about speaking in Brooklyn I’m here already and I had the dinner with with friend of mine Kelly I had not seen her for a while Kelly and she brought three friends with her and I I want you to think about your goals and dreams and I’m going to give you an assignment today I’m going to give you an assignment I want you to write this down the age of social
(04:13) transformation the age of social transformation it’s by Peter Ducker I want you to go online I want you to Google that I want you to read it and I want you to email me to my Facebook brown. Les and tell me your impression of it tell me how does it speak to you tell me how you see this and what is it that you’re going to do differently as a result of reading this because I read this many years ago and it governs by thinking and today while I was having dinner just coming upstairs to do the call with you I heard a conversation Lydia had
(04:57) with her brother and this this conversation she had with him it really struck me I I you know I trained speakers I teach people how to live their dreams and and I listen I tell people the best speakers or the best listeners I went to my 50th anniversary of the class reunion of the class of 1963 at boogy Washington High School and Miami and I was looking at a wall of pictures and this was a memorial wall of pictures of of my classmates who had died and I was shocked as I looked at all of those pictures probably over half the class
(05:44) gone and it just H me it just daed on me I remember I was at an event in in Las Vegas and my former wife gladus Knight we were there and Frank Sinatra was there and he said something to grab me he said live each day as if it were were your last because one day it will be and as I looked at those pictures I I was thinking it’s about the fact that one day somebody GNA be look at his face look at laugh we all going nobody has figured out how to get out of here alive you got to die to live here to leave here and so
(06:23) one of the things that I’m doing and I suggest that you do and I want you to write this down protect your time as you think about your goals and your dreams I’m going to start coaching and working with people personally who are serious who want to reach their goals and dreams I want to start working personally one on-one with people who are serious about learning how to tell their story want to master the art because most people are not serious and at this stage of My Life as a two-time cancer conqueror I I’m
(06:54) watching my time I’m very selective I’m here for Lorraine Watkins Brown but but trust me on this had it not been for her a very good friend a person that I I I love and admire I wouldn’t be here because I have a select number of people that I work with that I know that’s serious you know Stacy NC Grant she’s here I know she’s serious Kathleen Williams she’s here I know she’s serious so I work with him you got to have friends that you know that are serious Ed blunt you want to work with people
(07:29) that are serious let me tell you what what Lydia said to her her brother she said and and she was saying this to encourage him saying this to cause him to wake up she said there’s a bell ringing and this Bell is ringing loud and if you don’t hear it she said you’ll be dumb and stupid if you don’t hear it and start running toward that ship and get on it because it’s about to take off you will be left and you’ll never catch up trust me on this I asked you I said what made you say that he was
(08:02) around 18 years old at the time probably doing what most 18 year olds do and and she said because I feel that and that article the age of social transformation when you read this you’re going to get serious it’s serious when you read that you’re going to separate from people that are not serious when you read that you’re going to start using your time in a much more effective strategic way and so one of things I’m encouraging you to do watch your time who you spend your time with and start saying no more often
(08:37) say no more often because every time somebody asks you to do something and you say yes you say no to your agenda and you’re saying yes to their agenda I want you to keep that in mind just start making it a practice to start saying no when people ask you to do something say you know I I can’t do that I’ve got a full plate but if I find a way in which I can do it I’ll get back to you see people love for you to get back to them with good news they don’t want you to get back to them with bad
(09:12) news where you say well I said yes but then I’m looking at all the things I’ve got to do I got too many IRS in the fire I can’t do it so you you want to begin to look at your life in a special kind of way and start valuing yourself and Val valuing your time there a lot of people who are saying yes when somebody call them tonight and say you going to see the the playoffs tonight they’re going to say yes you going see Scandal yes but very are few people going to get phone calls and say are you working on
(09:44) your dream tonight how can we collaborate and work together and make some things happen very few people get those kind of calls so I’m suggesting to you that you’re different you’re on this call with me tonight because everything that I represent and the work that I’ve been doing for over for four decades the message that I I speak that’s already a part of you and you said yes to this telephone call because you know you’ve got something special you know you have greatness within you you know that you
(10:12) have some goals that you want to achieve and so you’re looking for something and part of what you will look for and what you’re going to get is validation of that which you already know in your heart of hearts I hear something else that Lydia was right there’s a bell ringing and a lot of people can’t hear it because it’s drowned out from the cheers for the Spurs and the Miami Heat a lot of people can’t hear it because it’s overshadowed by the exciting episodes of Scandal and other various
(10:42) programs a lot of people can’t hear it because they’re caught up in the distractions of life and I suggest to you that your life special that life is God’s gift to you and how you live your life is your gift to God now here’s something else I want you to start thinking from a place of being resourceful you know they they teach us in School Reading Writing and arithmetic but they also need to teach reading writing rithmetic and resourcefulness lorine called me and and she was shocked guy called her and he
(11:17) said I heard Les BR is coming to the Brooklyn Marriot I sure would like to see him it’s been over a year since I’ve had a job and I like to see less and after he finished telling her hisb story she said you know what I’m going to gift you I’m I’m going to let you come free she said will you be there here’s what he said he said I’m gonna try and see what I can pull together because I don’t have any money on my metro card now let me share something with you ladies and gentlemen for those of you that don’t
(11:52) know Metro cards that you can put two or three do on there you can ride anywhere in New York but let’s say $20 let me tell you something if somebody had a message that can change my life I’ll run and jump over the turn the turn stall because I know the security guards are not in shape and they’re not hungry enough and determined enough to catch me if I can get on one of those trains I left Miami my mother was suffering from breast cancer I didn’t have a dime I spent every dime I had to keep her alive
(12:28) most people don’t know 95 % of the people who suffer from breast cancer I mean who who who who have had bankruptcy did so because of medical expenses and my mother was suffering from breast cancer and I heard about an opportunity I went to a meeting I wasn’t even invited a guy named ed Foreman who had a company called executive development and I saw him and he said speaking to the audience he said I’m in a business that you can become a a millionaire accidentally now mind you I just left Ohio resigned from
(13:06) the Ohio legislature I was generating around 80 to $100,000 a year walked away from all of that no college education to start over all over again to take care of my mother because I was not going to allow my brothers and sisters to put her in a nursing home because she could no long to take care of herself and I said if one woman can raise seven children who could not take care of themselves at least we as grown people can take care of this one woman and if you won’t do it I I will do it and the the I I can tell you one
(13:40) sickness can wipe out a fortune one sickness and I was looking for something I was looking for something that will allow me to be able to earn enough money to be able to take care of my mother be there for her and and part of what I did I was selling the DI Gregory the and diet I did I was doing every multi Lev marketing even cable Lord it was mway I sold Mary K i us have Mary K party let me tell you something up in here I was resourceful I was resourceful you I I’ve done Herbal Life you name them I did him I was
(14:20) resourceful and this man’s training was $2600 now this guy I didn’t have it this guy he’s saying and he told a woman I could I could not open my mouth to let a woman know even though she’s a stranger that I wasn’t resourceful enough to come up with $20 I couldn’t do that she kept on saying he said that to me he said that to me I don’t I don’t have enough money on my metro card let me tell you something we celebrated Father’s Day and and I say Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers who
(14:59) provide who love and nurture their families and Happy Father’s Day I said this in church to all the mothers who serve his fathers the people said come on let us have our day come on what you mean have your day well a woman can’t raise a boy to be a man what are you talking about my mother raised me to be a man and I’m a man the men in our community have been raised by women stop that that’s a lie from the pit of Hell it’s a different between being a father providing Emotional Love and financial support over 75% of our
(15:38) household the and the primary bread winners are women so come on give me a break I’m saying to you the reason that God said that oh well got got see what I can pull together he needs to pull together his mind his thinking in needs to be reminded of the fact that he’s made in the likeness and image of God and has been given Authority and dominion over everything on the face of the Earth he need to know that the fact that he’s been unemployed does not define who he is and he has a resourceful it he’s only six inches from
(16:19) success that’s the distance from one ear to the next he needs to spend less time in front of a television and go to the library like a manino did when he was an alcoholic and a homeless and turned his life around reading books how much does the library card cost nothing AR manino went in there and read books and changed his light I was doing a radio program and a lady called me and she said thank you so much for helping me change my life I said how did I help you she said I was homeless for 23 years and she says now
(17:04) I’m working as a social worker now I’ve had a job for over eight years and I’m helping people to get their lives on track I said what was the day that changed your life she said one day when I was out pan handling standing outside of a drug store and I asked the lady would she give me something so I can eat and she spit in my face I said what she said she gagged and she spit in my face and walked away she said she was shock she said she wish she could find that woman today to say thank you I said why she
(17:54) said she turned around she went into Walgreens went in the red room and looked at her face where this woman had Ste in her face and she said I didn’t deserve this and if I’m so pathetic that somebody can look down on me and SP in my face she started crying she washed her face and she went to the library and she got my book Live Your Dreams she went to the library and she found cassette tapes of every program that I had done and she said it spoke to her and she started taking computer lessons she learned how to
(18:43) type and she went to the Salvation Army got some calls went out and interviewed and got a job and eventually got a place to stay went back to school got a degree she got a master degree in social work and now she’s helping other homeless people come on now come on I mean I cried I cried as I as I listen to her story as I listen to her voice I cried I said what what is it that could cause this woman to look at me and step in my face she said at that time I was outraged but I would thank her today because of what she did she set in my
(19:30) space and turned my life around as a bell raining and a lot of people don’t hear a bell ringing that says there’s no such thing as job security a bell ringing that says the day where you can go to college and graduate and and find a job we work 40 hours a week for 40 years that his go a bell ringing and says it doesn’t matter how good you are your job can be outsourced you can be replaced with an app there’s a bell ringing that says you got to stay ahead of technology and one day somebody sitting in a room looking at the figures
(20:13) and the more money you make the bigger the target is on your back there’s just a number of days before they come to you and say we’re going in another Direction and say we have so overcome and and they don’t need your services anymore there’s a bell ringing that says you got to be on The Cutting Edge you’ve got to have your own back you’ve got to get a hold of yourself you’ve got to prepare yourself you’ve got to develop yourself you got to stay ahead of the game there’s a bell ringing that
(20:50) requires that you pay attention that you wake up and smell the coffee that you being selective of the relationships that that you have surrounding you that you look at yourself and look at your goals and look at your dreams and ask yourself what do I want and that there must be a willingness on your part to do whatever is qu required to make those things happen a bell ringing that says that you must be goal oriented you’ve got to know where you’re going there’s a bell ringing says you want to be selective of your relationships you
(21:26) two types of relationships you’re a relationships and toxic relationships most people are toxic most people have to think about let me see what I can pull together to come up with $20 or or $3 or $10 most people operating out of a mindset of mediocrity because they are not growing they’re not developing themselves they have a limited vision of themselves they’re suffering from possibility blindness they’re caught up in the distractions of Life there addicted to powerlessness addicted to being
(22:03) powerless they see themselves as being victims they don’t know who they are and if you’re around them it will affect you if you’re around them it will contaminate your spirit if you’re around them it will compromise your power it’s a bell ringing a ship is leaving and only a few going to catch it only a few will wake up and hear what’s happening only a few will turn off the television and turn up their lives only a few will come out the stands and say I don’t want to be a spectator I want to
(22:47) be a player only a few will say I want to write my own ticket I Want To Be My Own Boss I want to create something out of my Spirit only a few will understand the words of John H Johnson of Evony magazine who wrote the book Making It Against All Odds who said there’s no defense against an Excellence that beats op pressing public need it’s a bell ringing the people that are hungry people that are resourceful people that are disciplined a bell ringing but people have dreams and goals and vision and ambition and Unstoppable
(23:28) there’s a bill ringing and few there be that will hear it because they’re caught up in the noise of Life yeah they’re trifling they’re thrown in the tower they died a long time ago they just haven’t been buried yet they’re angry and they’re bitter they spend more time getting high and talking about how bad things are and what the man won’t let you do rather than go to a library that does not cost a dime to get in and start reading something that can expand their mind and give them a vision of
(24:14) themselves in the future you have something special this is the time that you want to develop your mind you want to study why less because knowledge is the new currency this is the time that you want to get up and go to a new land go to another part of town go to some places where you can find some friends and develop some new friends and some new relationships and start hanging around people that have something going for them that’s why I started hanging around a guy like named Bob Boyd who passed a few weeks ago because he had something
(24:56) hanging he had something going going on for them this started learning from Mike Williams he had something going for him he he was intelligent I love to hear him speak and wherever he showed up they called him Treetop because his afro was so big I showed up and I sat there and I was hanging on every word admiring him because he had something I wanted see you you you you are to be in relationship with people who can see what you can’t see you want to be in relationship with people who are doing what it is you want to do you want to be
(25:31) around people that’s achieving and making things happen and developing themselves and growing and stretching and that will hold you accountable yeah the bell ringing that’s alerting you to the fact that you have something special you have greatness within you and to prove it God chose you out of 400 million in sperm there’s something in you that’s why you’re listening to me there’s something in you that’s wants to express that wants to come out there’s something in you that you are supposed to do there’s a
(26:17) mission there are gifts there are dreams there are talents in you that’s why you listening that’s why you listening yeah there’s a bell ringing and you heard it a long time ago and you know it’s time to to not give yourself a pass to let go all the excuses for playing small a bell ringing and says you don’t have forever a real you said stop living like you have a thousand years to live you have something special you have greatness within you I got a call from Lorraine Brown Watkins who said you got people coming
(27:10) in from Chicago from Virginia people coming from many places to the Brooklyn Marriott tomorrow night at 7 o’clock I’m early here eating hot pepper the pork I I can’t wait to see them tomorrow this is one of the special places that I love can’t wait to go back to Oakland rever E Church we’re going to do a seven week series there and I’m looking and I know I know that there’s some of you listening to me right now you know who you are you know who you are I’m supposed to work with you you
(27:48) know who you are we’re supposed to have a closer relationship you know who you are I’m supposed to coach you you know who you are because you can feel me in your heart you know who you are and I don’t know you I know you can’t sneak up on me I know the pigeons I see them every day but I know there something that happens I I met someone today and and I knew I was in the presence of greatness I knew it when they sat down at the table with me Lydia and Rashad I knew when heill brought them to dinner
(28:30) ra that I was in the presence of greatness people have a p Vision to make a difference in life they want to make their Mark I suggest to you find someone that you can be a protege to like I did with Mike Williams find someone who can see what you can’t see and be mentored like Mike Williams did for me find someone that can take you to a place within yourself that you can’t go go by yourself that can see what you can’t see because you can’t see the picture when you’re in the frame find someone that
(29:05) can help you hear the Bell that’s ringing calling on you to bring out your greatness that’s my story and I’m sticking to it I want to see you tomorrow night at the Brooklyn Mar those of you that are in this area if you have friends in this area call them or friends you know that need to be here call them and let them know but I heard Ed Foreman I caught a Greyhound bus because I didn’t have the money but I was resourceful I had bid with card games I was running Boston after Boston and raised money selling slices of my
(29:44) mother’s sweet potato pie and she fixed me some marinated frog legs and I went from Miami Florida to Dallas Texas on a Greyhound bus trading frog legs for pork chop sandwiches it’s fish sandwiches these weren’t sandwiches these were Savages who have thought and pursuit of a dream to take care of my mother who have thought and for of a dream to buy her home and I bought her four different homes who the for because I was resourceful because I didn’t let the distance stop me or the $2600 stop me for a two and a half day
(30:28) training to teach me something I didn’t know that it would lead to my traveling around the world and changing millions of people’s lives don’t you underestimate you don’t you judge yourself based upon where you are and your circumstances or your your bank account being empty don’t you judge yourself because you’re sleeping in somebody’s basement or on somebody’s couch or sleeping in your car as I did on any occasions judge not according to appearances judge not according to appearances but righteous judgment you
(31:06) that greatness in you I’d like for you to to go and and to Google the age of social transformation and download that read it and email me I want to hear your comments on my Facebook ground. L one with over a 100,000 likes brown. less I want your comments I want to hear from you and I look forward for those of you that are hungry that can hear the bell at the Brooklyn Marriott I look forward to seeing you tomorrow Neo bless powerful message powerful message tonight thank you so much now you’ve given us all an assignment and
(31:51) we’re supposed to look at read the book the age of social transformation it’s not a book it’s report it’s a report by Peter Drucker it was in the magazine called The Avenue of the Americas magazine where they can get it just by the title the age of social transformation W you read that won you do that and and and I tell you it’s it’s it’s it’s eye opening about where things are and this is what has governed my thinking people are in State of Shock because of how things have changed so
(32:26) rapidly and they’re continue to change you can you don’t even have to go to the bank to deposit a check you can take a picture of your check and it’s in your account absolutely yes yes I’m not making this up technology there they places where they used to have hundreds of employees but because of Technology it has now been outsourced or technology is doing it it’s it’s a whole different game right now and and it and it’s and it’s it’s going to accelerate before the end of this decade
(33:03) 67% of the jobs in this country will be permanent part-time jobs with no health benefits I’m going back to Malaysia and singapor at the end of this month then I’m going to Belgium and then I’m going to South Africa uh July the 19th and the 20th I’ll be there with t beckard and and Robert kosaki in South Africa and then I’m back home and and my goal is is to work with people that are that are serious because everybody is not serious only a few only a few people that are serious and those are the ones that I
(33:41) want to work with who are hungry like I have been and am right now well you know Les you wrote on your Facebook page um about um it takes courage most people don’t have the courage to deal with the emotional consequences so that’s really one of the reasons why people are not taking the necessary action so it really does take courage but also it’s it’s if their willingness to do what’s required you know Jesus said whosoever will let him come most people I believe this that particularly in this country that the
(34:18) world does not consist of the halves and the hav knots it consists of the wills and the will knots M that most people are not willing to go to a library and read a book They’re not willing to go back to school and be in class with people that’s young enough for their grandchildren as the Dr lorett did and got her doctorate at 69 they’re not willing to train themselves to discipline themselves to do the homework they’re I willing to do that now here’s an interesting thing though I know people who won’t do that
(34:58) but they go out and try and what they call Flame drugs and go to jail I know people who go out and try and sell drugs or Rob people or steal and go to jail do stupid dumb things and ruin their lives compromise their future I I talked to a guy in the airport I was just curious about him unemployed his whole arm is a sleeve of tattoos and I asked him I said said how long did it take you to get all these tattoos on one arm and he said look like you know an aquarium had fish and everything and his parents names of
(35:37) course because in case he forgot his parents names he can look at his arm and see their names all the way up to his shoulder and and he said several weeks wow and I said how much did it cost you and he said around 21 $100 now he’s unemployed he’s at the airport waiting tables and all would could think about what if he’d spent several weeks working on his mind what if he spent several weeks developing a skill see Michael Jordan had the capacity to win a championship but he didn’t have the skill set to win
(36:27) until he got a coach named Phil Jackson who came along all of us are born with the capacity to live an achievement Driven Life but we must be willing to invest in ourselves to get a life coach like you like Stacy andc Grant like Ona that’s will help them to develop the skill set to use their capacity to manifest their dream most people are not willing to do that absolutely yes and so so that’s why there’s a scripture that and it it I first when I read it I said oh that’s cold blooded he that has shall
(37:09) get and he that hath not even that that he has shall be taken away excuse me if I have I will get but if I have not even that little bit I have you GNA take that from me and and the question becomes he have what vision ambition goals dreams intelligence Insight you will get you have those things even that that you have will be taken away from you that’s why the majority of people win the lottery end up broke that’s why guys who play professional sports two years after they retire they’re unemployed they’re
(37:53) divorced and bankrupt because everything that they got if your success if your growth if your acquisition the things that you acquire it’s exceed your own sense of self-worth you will unconsciously engage in self-destructive Behavior absolutely yes so so I’d like for those of you that’s on this call tonight I want you to go to my Facebook I want to hear your comments and leave and read the page that’s there today brown.
(38:25) L thank you neita I appreciate you yes you are on fire man that’s all I can say I tell you you you really keep Reinventing yourself so I thank you you truly are such an inspiration and motivation to me I I I just in New York I’m in New York I’m in New York and I got a to fake I’m in New York so you know when you’re New York you got to bring it let me tell you you got to bring it well thank you thank you thank you don’t go anywhere I got to tell you that here’s how New Yorkers are this is the
(38:59) true story I in a cab blind man crossing the street with a dog the light changes the got start blowing home BL I said hey man the man is blind dver said that dog knows better he’s been trained wow I said hello New York that’s what I’m talking about I love this city so you gotta bring it in New York I hear you oh trust me I’m GNA have them speaking in UNT unknown tongues I’m an assassin I’ll kill every mediocre demon that’s in the house tomorrow night well you go get it and we’re looking forward
(39:39) to seeing you in Raleigh on the 24th 25th yeah I’ll be the first Speaker yeah next Tuesday I’ll be the first Speaker up on the way and I think it’s the PNC Arena I think that’s where you’re going to be in Raleigh North Carolina on the 25th and that’s going to be in the at around 8 8:00 am yes I’ll be the person up and then I fly out of there going to Malaysia and Singapore then I’ll be back home got to have a root canal I’m trying to hold out because I I I’ve got I want to be 100% ready but
(40:12) I’ve got to do a 4day training over there and I don’t want to fly after having oral surgery so I’m just praying I want youall to pray that this root canale don’t go crazy well that’s we scared we know you scared that’s all right we’re GNA pray for you all of those that are on the phone we know we know the real deal thank you so much I appreciate it thank you Les we appreciate you all right everyone will you heard the message tonight you have your commission to go read the article on the age of social
(40:45) transformation by Peter Ducker and also yeah it’s Peter Ducker Peter Ducker Peter Peter Ducker very good all right and also visit Les Brown’s page at brown. L that’s the one with 115,000 likes and also you can visit Mr Brown’s Facebook P his his website at wwwl brown.
(41:11) com and we want to hear from you on his Facebook page and invite someone on the call next week and and we encourage you to invest in yourself get a life life coach get some trainings being on the call is great but we want you to invest in yourself my name is Anita Hicks and you can reach me on my website at www Anita or you can email me at Anita anita.
(41:40) com and again everyone we thank you for joining us and we look forward to having you on the call next week and I want to remind you as I as I always do to never ever give up on your dreams because the world awaits your light your authentic gift God bless you all and God bless your dreams good night everyone

(00:00) the man said Grace yourself because this going to hurt I said can’t you D said no not where this is It’s inflamed and I I was yelling so loud a baby started crying and that even that baby had enough said can you get me out of here oh my God and so I have pay medication as I speak to you right now but I’ve been really reflecting on things and been thinking about some things I want to share with you and I want you to think about your goals and your dreams and what you want to achieve because there’s been a
(00:42) shifting in my thinking and and I I’m observing some things and these are things that you know but finally you just get to a place where you just get tired and you just face what is you know my Angela said if it if it looks like a duck walk like a duck and Clack like a duck it’s a duck as you think about your goals and dreams one of the things that’s very important is that you surround yourself with collaborative achievement driven supportive relationships but I want to include in that competent supportive competent
(01:34) relationships share something with you it’s hard to find that it’s hard to find people that you can depend on it’s hard to find people that are continuously working on themselves this is not easy it’s hard to find people who will take the initiative who will go the extra mile who would take an extra step it’s hard to find people have ambition I was in the barber shop the other day and guy got out of chair and and the paper had around his neck and just dropped on the floor and other members there in the barber shop
(02:08) just kept on walking over the people paper it drove me crazy F that my my friend attorney Sean H was I said child would you pick that paper up for me please I was in the chair I would have got down and and picked it up myself but there is a a mindset that most people are Slackers and it will rub off on you you pick up on it unconsciously and so you got to protect your mind don’t surround yourself with Slackers if you’re 10 and you have some Slackers around you that are fours and fives you’re no longer 10 that’s going
(02:50) to bring you down I play chess I don’t play chess with people that I know I could beat because they will bring my game down I want to play with somebody that’s going to challenge me that’s going to make me stretch that’s going to make me think and I believe that the reason that most people are not reaching their goals is because they don’t know the negative impact of toxic energy draining distractive incompetent people who don’t want anything I want you to think about that you’re serious about changing your life
(03:32) you want to be around people who want more not people who need more I spoke in Los Angeles yesterday for friend of mine Brian Brian Franklin and one I’m all and talked to a group of people there about they call this the barbecue church because they they F over a million dollars worth of barbecue at one year to raise funds uh Bishop Wilson there and and talk to a group of people about what it takes to make it today and was quite generous in volunteering to do some things to help them to coach them and to
(04:14) spend some personal time working with them and I had an opening in my schedule to do that and of all those people there only five people stood up to invest in themselves only five people showed an initiative to make a dramatic difference in their lives why people don’t want any more than what they now have see the world does not consist of the hav and the Have Nots I’ll say this over and over and over again it consists of the wills and the will Nots and there are some people that are so sorry and so
(04:55) trifling you’re wasting your energy trying to help help them you wasting your energy because they’re not going to do anything one of my friends she she she’s going through a challenge right now with her husband and he said something to her that’s very honest you know he said he said you want more for me than I want for myself my God now think about that you want more from me than I want from myself he said to her look I’m not going to do anymore I can do more but I don’t want to do anymore and she’s tired and as I listen
(05:39) to her and I was trying to encourage her and how to coach him but in my mind I was saying don’t you hear what he’s saying to you you better use your time and energy keeping yourself together because the person who’s supposed to provide for you the person who’s supposed to protect you the person who’s supposed to be there for you he’s saying to you listen you want more for me and there really more for us because when she can help him plug into life when she can help him become responsible when she
(06:13) can help him step up and start helping with the bills and responsibilities if she can help him connect with the personal power that he has within himself to do more to have more to experience more that alleviate stress for her and for him it makes our lives much easier but he’s not willing to step up he’s not willing to do that and she’s caring it all unfortunately the majority of households the primary bread winners are women something’s wrong with that something’s wrong with that there too many men that
(06:51) are okay with the women paying the bills too many men that’s okay that that okay being spermed on is okay sitting around playing video games and and looking at sporting events and not stepping up not willing to go to school and learn a a a skill or or or a new occupational method or technique in which they can begin to generate money I say to you who’s on your team who should you count on and who should you count out there’s some people you got to develop the courage to face the reality that that’s just not them I just
(07:37) had a conversation with a friend said you know there’s some things that I see for you but obviously you don’t see for yourself and you’ve already told me you’re not a people person you’re not a communicator you’re not going to take the initiative to build relationships and these are things that that’s required in order to be involved in business be successful and I accept you as you are I accept that but that’s not going to be a part of my life that’s that’s not somebody that I’m G to spend
(08:08) some time with I don’t want nobody like that in my life I love them and there’s some people you need to decrease the number of hours you spend around them you you have sex many times that you spend with them but when it comes to business and making some money and securing your financial future and making some things happen You’ got to keep those people at Arms left you don’t want to get behind and and have people around you who are always there when they need you as Kurt Newton would say but when you need some
(08:41) help you can’t find them you find people who come to you to Barrow money the same people over and over and over again you just throwing money at a hole here’s something else having initiative I believe the reason that most people are failing and have no ambition they don’t take the initiative to do anything in their own behalf they rather spend their time and energy complaining about things see life is not about complaining and whining and weeping everybody’s got a story everybody’s got stuff happening to them
(09:18) life is about taking charge having the initiative having some ambition having some goals and dreams and this past weekend I was I was training some speakers just a group of Wonderful creative resourceful people and there’s one lady named Shannon who had lost her job and just you talking about being Unstoppable the reason that most people are not achieving their goals because they’re stoppable Shannon was unemployed and then she had a moment in her life she was depressed she was down she she low in energy but she got to a
(09:54) point that she said I got to do something I got responsibilities I’m a single mother I’ve got to do something and she became creative she didn’t have a car she didn’t have a job you know what she did she ran an add on grades list for someone to drive her around for job interviews and she said and after I find a job I will pay you and somebody responded and drove her around until she found a job did job interviews and drove her around to find a proper daycare center for her children and she got a job she started saving
(10:37) some money and she paid the driver she eventually bought a car and then she bought a home come on now let me tell you something you if you pour in America it’s because you want to be you want to be world is not consistent of the hats the have knots it consists of the wills of the will knuts you got to be willing to be relentless and Unstoppable and resourceful and creative and refuse to be stopped most people are stoppable and I don’t like being around people that are stopp and you shouldn’t either
(11:14) because it rubs off on you negative energy is powerful I have respect for it and I just run when you strive give somebody some energy give somebody some hope give somebody some inspiration and they’re not on the same page with you and they get angry with you your energy is depleted I remember trying to help my brother lose weight and I gained 16 pounds during that same period I said wait a minute what I needed that energy for myself I needed it I was trying to help him and I was weakening myself many times we we put ourselves at
(11:56) risk for the people we care about and we care more about them in their situation to make care about it themselves and so this is just a a common sense conversation common sense that is not common want to make your dream come true you’ve got to be willing to be a different kind of person you got you cannot allow people to waste your time you got to have an agenda for your life if you don’t have an agenda you’re going to be a part of somebody else’s agenda and this point in time this period where
(12:34) we are in our history in the economy trust me on this and I’m not telling you anything you don’t know it’s a different kind of game most people don’t know the game has changed they don’t know I don’t know how it’s it’s amazing I see people walking around smoking just you said wait a minute this this person here that that every cigarette you smoke takes 14 minutes off your life that it gives you cancer you know what there are people who go through life with blind disord who’ll spend more time telling
(13:09) you about a game and about the defense and the offense and who’s going to win and telling you more about the next episode about Scandal and all the other popular television programs and then you ask them how many books have you read in the last 90 days how many classes have you taken how much have you learned sitting at the computer in the last 90 days and most people are not there see you want to make up your mind to live an achievement Driven Life most people not living achievement driven lives you know
(13:45) what kind of lives they’re living A little dab or do you that’s what kind of Life they’re living they’re not trying to to live a life where where they can take some hits because you would take them hits they’re living on the fr es of Life they can’t take any hits they can’t afford for the for the car to break down they can’t afford for the plumbing to break they can’t afford to get sick or something happened to the children or miss a few days of work or get behind on the bills because they’re all their God
(14:18) they they have not created a mindset of creating multiple streams of income they have not created a mindset of having ambition and drive to go beyond just surviving that’s surviving it’s it’s okay for them it’s okay it’s all right living on the edge but there’s some people a small number small number surviving is not enough because what it takes to survive and what it takes to live are totally two different things listen your life your dream your desires for a better life you deserve that and it’s going to take everything
(15:11) in you not to be distracted not to get caught up in other people’s drama including your children this this is this thing called life is no joke it’s no joke that the next moment you change everything I’m thinking about a young man by the name of B Hollings you’ve seen it in the news April 6 an honor student football star and the student council and senior class president at Northwestern High School he was shot in the head outside of the birthday party of one of his best friends and this young man was a victim of of a
(16:04) shooting got up from the East side just started shooting for no particular reason and the bullet hit him in the head doctors wouldn’t give him a time frame for his release and he had an urge and a desire his goal was to go to to to the ceremony of the graduation and march across the stage to get his diploma and and most people felt he wouldn’t be there he had enough credits to graduate but it didn’t look like he was going to be able to collect his diploma at the ceremony of his high school classmates and here’s something I want
(16:42) you to write this down don’t give yourself a pass this young man wanted to go and cross that stage and get a diploma that he he earned he’s a victim of a tragedy shot in the head when you have goals and dreams think it not strange that you face the fire furnaces of this world things are going to happen that you just cannot believe things are going to happen to you and things will to happen to people you care about just get ready for it Victor Frankle calls it unavoidable suffering and and belah he decided he
(17:26) was going to go he made up his mind I’m going and that’s what you should do make up your mind if you haven’t already and say I’m going for my dream I’m going for my goal and I’m not going to allow the fact that I’ve lost my job I’m not gonna allow the fact that the relationship that I believed in so strongly no longer exists I’m not going to allow the fact that I fell on some tough times I’m not going to allow that to stop me most people are stoppable you asking them
(17:59) about goals and dreams and immediately they talk about all the reasons of why they can’t do it rather than why they can do it and and Mr harling wearing a tassled helmet emerged on stage to the screams and Applause and a standing ovation of the students with a bullet in his head come on now come on he showed up got a goal in a dream everybody would have given him a pass everybody said well we understand that bah has a a shot he has a wound he’s been shot in the head we know why he’s not here he didn’t
(18:45) give himself a pass he didn’t come up with an excuse oh that people well you know I got a record I’ve been out applying for jobs you know but after he found out my background you know and I told you understand what I mean I told about it and then you understand what I mean you know they fired me you understand what I mean so I started slinging some drugs you understand what I mean I tell you this thing called life there a lot of slackers but when I read this story about Bal hings it gave me Goose pimples
(19:24) if a guy could show up with a bullet in his head to get a diploma for his dream what excuse do I give myself for not pursuing my dream that I’m too old that I don’t have a college education that I tried and it didn’t work out what excuse what I give myself for a path I’m saying to you you have something special you’ve got greatness in you I’m saying to you you’ve got to have the kind of drive and the determination that you’re going to say to yourself I’m going to show up for
(20:01) my dream and I’m not going to let nobody or nothing turn me around that’s that’s the kind of courage and drive and determination and ambition and desire that’s required in order to make it in this thing called life and you deserve your best efforts don’t under estimate yourself don’t Define Yourself by your circumstances don’t Define Yourself by the lack of money in your bank account don’t Define yourself based upon where you are right now because you might be down on your luck
(20:47) no no that’s not you you got greatness in you 8 out of 10 millionaires have been financially bankrupt you’ve got greatness within you you’ve got comeback power you have the ability to do more than you can ever begin to imagine and and and and and let me clarify something here you know Michael Jordan had the capacity to win a championship but he didn’t win a championship until Phil Jackson came along why because he had the capacity but he didn’t have the skill if your best efforts have failed
(21:24) you doesn’t mean that you can’t have your dream you have to capacity to help your dream you don’t have the skill you need a coach you need someone to help you be willing to ask for help not because you’re weak but because you want to remain strong and ask for help and don’t stop until you get it I’m going to speak tomorrow morning in Riley North Carolina those of you that are near us please come out tomorrow morning I’m the first Speaker up I’m going to knock it out the park let the record show and then I’m
(22:06) going to Pon G speak there tomorrow afternoon then I go to Malaysia and Singapore but here’s what I want you to do if you’re looking for a breakthrough if you’re serious and ready to go to the next level I want you to email me a yes Les I’m I’m start Les Brown Mastermind group I’m I’m going to work with some people that are serious that want to go to the next level and and leverage my contacts my relationships my knowledge and things that I have learned that allowed me to
(22:42) be able to live this kind of life that I live and being on the biggest stages in the world being able to use my story and my knowledge to make a difference in people’s lives if you want to make a difference in people’s lives if you want to leave a legacy rather than liabilities if you want to begin to tap into your power voices learn how to tell your story learn how to live your dream and be in relationship with other likeminded people who have goals and dreams that will challenge you and stret you that’s what we’re going to
(23:15) do email me at yes Les so I’m interested in Les Brown masterb what’s what the investment will be what will it take my goal now is just to work with a small group of people who are serious who want more not those who need more those who want more and are willing to go all out to make it happen I’m surprised I was able to do this call tonight I tell you when I was at the dental office and I yell so loud but I got up I I they didn’t see me but I glanced back and looked at the chair I was just making sure I didn’t wear in
(23:56) the chair let me oh my God oh my God the pill working right now but let me tell you something if I never SE the do this again it would be all right oh my God and a little boy seven years old a Carson he went before me I got to show you a picture of him on my Facebook I want you to go to brown. Les that’s the Facebook page it has over a 100,000 likes and I I’ve got a message on there you got to read today’s message and I want your comments and I’m about to call tonight I want your comment and and I want to encourage you to be a part
(24:40) of my master by group but this little boy seven years old say don’t be scared you can doin this too I said thank you very much God lovees you and I’m trying real hard you have something special you have greatness within you I I’m so glad and and grateful to be able to speak to you I I spoke at this church found this church in Los Angeles this past Saturday and I was training people in our circle of Mastery speakers program and my plattinum speakers there’s been really a a full weekend of of speaking and training and developing
(25:21) other voices and helping people to get unstuck and get breakthroughs and live their dreams and and tap into their energy signature and teaching them how to influence and impact audiences I’m on fire and I did all this and and and I had this surgery this I I thought I would not be able to do it but I I’m I’m impressed I’ve impressed myself up in here but I had the great help attorney Sean arold she trained and she was phenomenal and Hassan Thompson he spoke and he was greated my daughter Ona Brown
(25:57) she spoke and she trained and that made my work easier they were mesmerizing oh my goodness I was so proud of Sean and and Ona and Hassan it’s it’s great to work with people who if you don’t show up won’t nobody miss you because they are so good I love it I love it I love you thank you for listening I’m so grateful God has given me Grace to be able to speak to you and to serve you and to encourage you I’m so grateful you have something special you’ve got greatness within you that’s my story now
(26:42) I’m sticking to it this has been business Manan Brown’s baby boy continue to have initiative and ambition and drive and be unstoppable and creating achievement agenda for your life need thank you so much Les Brown I tell you you I was laughing on the other end of this call L you have something special you have something special too that’s why you were able to sit in that chair and not pass out look the lady came down to the parking lot I was in the car crying and she said this she said are you coming out I said
(27:27) yes she said left the window down I roll the window she said would you please come upstairs I it okay oh my God Le I’m gonna send you a copy of this call so you can be motivated and remember that you have something speci thank you so much oh you know what it was a movie years ago and I always talk about that there’s two movies that cause me to be terrified of dentist one is called called little Shar of horos and this uh this was on television the other day I want to look at a dent scene in there the other one is Dustin Hoffman
(28:08) and L Olivier and it’s called Marathon Man you know you order that movie see there’s a a scene in it says is it safe and he was talking about is it safe me to go get my diamonds it’s l Olivier and he was about to torture Dustin hofman and something happened to me psychologic when I heard that drill going in his mouth let me tell you something I had two gallon Buck of the popcorn you talking about somebody running over and I have gone to the dental office and once I hear that drill I clear out they have to hook me up before I can
(28:52) hear that drill I can’t take that drill oh my Lord have mercy I we about three or four pairs of Depends when I go to the mid office well well you still standing and and and thank you for sharing that with us tonight because one thing Les you are always so transparent and that’s what we love about you because you are so transparent you do what you do you are great at what you do but you’re a coward when it comes to the dentist now the world knows yes I am yes I’m going to hypnotist if thatone of it
(29:35) work let’s over the lines and get some comments I want to hear your comments on my Facebook brown. L I want comments yes and then also email me if you’re interested in the West Brown Mastermind group we’re gonna be traveling and doing a lot of exciting things I want to work with some people who ready to do some exciting stuff got some big dreams okay open L okay those of you that on the line St s to unmute your line and remember be polite to the other callers all right we’re gonna try this L you
(30:11) know how it gets kind of crowded all callers are muted and may unmute themselves by pressing star Six Vegas yes sir how are you hello hello hello yes sir uh hello okay hello this is Dr EB in in fville North Carolina brother I just call you I want to see you tomorrow morning here at the hotel I’m at the NY in righ North Carolina on what’s that c for so you that’s right please I’m at the embassy here I want you to go with me when I speak tomorrow morning okay all right listen I’ll be there with B on
(30:54) and I’m gonna bring a and you know what I’m gonna bring a dentist with with me oh my goodness all right can he repeat his email address Mr Brown this is I’ll repeat it after the call I’ll repeat the email address after okay we are a gentleman you can go you can go ahead Mrs Joel free from Cincinnati I uh was calling to see if I want to know if the [Applause] [Music] uh no that no that’s a private session in Cincinnati that that that Pro in gamble I just flying in there but I you know I wanted I haven’t spoken in
(31:45) Cincinnati in years I used to serve in the Ohio legislature with Senator Bill bour and so it’s been a long time so I I wish email me if you know someone that’s really to set something up I just it you know because giving me Grace I’m gonna speak everywhere that I possibly can until I drop because I’m feeling I’m on fire I’m stronger I got my power back and I’m here to change lives and that’s what I’m be about doing I love to come to Cincinnati and anywhere else you got a good group okay give me somebody else
(32:18) to talk to sir yes sir yes sir uh um I went to the um hey to do the email and they that web page is underd deser yeah no email me at yes email me y yes yesl my website is underconstruction y n y yes y yes like yes y yes yes GL okay yes sir thank you thank you sir okay let’s Brown this is B from Virginia Beach Virginia yeah and I just want to thank you for all your motivation letting you know that I’m a friend of Ebron TR and I’ll be uh contacting you to be part of your to oh thank you all right look
(33:18) forward to working with you all right I’m going to go right now but thank you all so much for being on the call need toe and repeat everything to them so they’ll be callers are muted yeah okay repeat everything to them so they’ll be clear and and I want to just thank everybody for being in the call and pray for me because I you all know I need in prayer so you so Les I’m not gonna be in Raleigh I’m actually in Richmond Virginia and I’ll be training in Richmond tomorrow so I won’t see you
(33:47) tomorrow in Raleigh so I will see you the next time you come through North Carolina well trust hear about it yeah well trust me you’re gonna hear about it because I’m want to light them up tomorrow morning let the record show and you’re speaking that it should be about 8:00 in the morning at the PNG Center in Raleigh durm North Carolina and and you can go to can they go to your website can they go to the Les Brown events.
(34:12) com or they can just pay at the door when they get there it be they can go to not my website my website’s under construction events look at on the go to the events calendar and see if that’s posted there but what you you just mentioned the place where it is what’s the name of it the TN TNC arena in Raleigh North Carolina the TNC Arena no p p as in Pennsylvania p as in Pennsylvania Anis and Nancy C is and Charlie TNC Arena and Raleigh Durham North Carolina okay very good okay well thank you I appreciate you well go ahead and
(34:54) repeat everything to everyone and and and I just want to thank you so much for the opportunity to talk to you’all this evening thank you take care needo well thank you so much Les and thank you all everyone for being on the call uh you can go to Les Browns event lbrown events.
(35:14) com if you want to find out more about the event if that event is not posted out there you can um go to my Facebook page or go to Les Browns Facebook page or you can email me Anita that’s a nit or you can email Les Brown at yes yees Les for more information but we encourage you to get trainings attend workshops so that you can be a part of Les Brown’s training camp we invite you to be a part of it invite you to invite someone on the call every week go to our Facebook page go to Les Brown’s Facebook page and let him know that this call had
(35:54) value to you go to my page Anita Hicks and let me know that this had value to you we want to hear from you we also want to see you at some of our trainings and I want to invite you again to invite someone on the call next week and as always i’ like to remind each and every one of you to never ever give up on your dreams because the world awaits your light your authentic gift I am training in Richmond Virginia and if you have corporate clients that you need that need train your company needs training please make sure you go to my website
(36:31) www and reach out to me I look forward to hearing you and speaking with you on the call next week God bless you all and God bless your dreams good night everyone